Purchase Conditions


ZilaCakeMould can be purchased either in our web shop or locally in our shop, Zila Coffee House (Budapest).

Before purchasing you can check out our moulds at our offline store at the Zila Coffee House and Restaurant (452 Üllői út, 1183 Budapest, open: Mon-Sun 10:00-22:00), and you can also buy them here in person. Therefore, in case of pick up in person, no order is necessary via the web shop.

The prices of the products do NOT include any shipping and handling costs, neither customs.
However, at final checkout these costs are added.

Depending on Customer’s country (the shipping and villing country) price may or may not contain VAT (value added tax).

In Hungary and in the European Union, Hungarian VAT of 27% is added to the net price. By giving a valid EU VAT ID, companies can buy without VAT.

When buying outside of the European Union’s territory VAT is NOT added, however, customs and duties may be applied.


Select the product

Zila Cake Moulds can be bought under menu section Products and Shop. By clicking on the Title of each product the details of the product can be checked on the next page. On the detailed description page the product can be placed in the cart. After placing the product in the cart purchasing can be continued (back to the products) or selecting the products can be finished (Go To Checkout). There the content of the cart can be viewed.


By clicking on the Checkoutand Cart links you can overview your orders so far. At this place you can modify the quantities or you can remove products. If you have voucher code, you can apply it here as well. Shipping and payment methods can be selected here (options depend on the shipping/billing country). The current total value of your orders will appear here too, as follows:

  • VAT: in brackets the VAT content of the order also including the VAT of the delivery.
  • Shipping and payment costs: it depends on the shipping/billing country (they must be the same).
  • Discount: if you have exchanged your voucher code, the discount of the voucher will be indicated here in gross value.
  • Total: the total amount of your order including the value of the products, the shipment charge and the validated discount.

By clicking on the Continue button you will have to provide the delivery and invoicing details on the next page.

Shipping and Billing details

Fields marked with an asterix are compulsory to fill in. It is possible to provide the following particulars:

Customer details
Customer’s name
E-mail address
Telephone number (preferably a mobile number)

Billing address
Invoicing name
EU VAT ID (in case of EU country – not compulsory)
Street, number
Zip Code

Shipping address (if differs from billnig address)
Street, number
Zip code

 (e.g. message to the courier service)

How did you find us?

Confirming e-mail address


Privacy Policy

The provided data will be managed confidentially and will be used solely for the purpose of preforming the order. The data will be stored for the period set forth by the effective law. In case of cash on delivery the following data will be forwarded to the courier service in order to complete out the delivery.

Customer data
Customer’s name
Customer’s phone number

Delivery data
Street, number
Zip code

Notes (for the courier)


After providing data and accepting the delivery and payment terms and conditions you can place your order by clicking on the Place Order button. By the finalisation the system records the data and further modifications are not possible on the web site. If it turns out that you have provided any data incorrectly, please write us an email immediately to the following e-mail address order@zilacakemould.com, referring to the details of your order and indicating the data to be modified.

After finalising your order, on the next page of our web site you will see a confirmation acknowledging the transaction. The order will also be confirmed by an automatically generated e-mail immediately. In case you do not receive the confirmation e-mail within 48 hours, please contact us without delay by phone (+36 30 300 9000) or by e-mail (order@zilacakemould.com) so that we can investigate the issue.